
Journal Papers

R. Behling, C. Hulme, P. Tolias, and M. Danielsson. “The impact of tube voltage on the erosion of rotating x-ray anodes”. Med. Phys., In press., (2024).

K. Larsson, D. Hein, R. Huang, D. Collin, A. Scotti, E. Fredenberg, J. Andersson, and M. Persson. Deep learning estimation of proton stopping power with photon-counting computed tomography: a virtual study. J. Med. Imag., 11(S1):S12809, (2024).

R. Behling, C. Hulme, G. Poludniowski, P. Tolias, and M. Danielsson. “A compact x-ray source via fast microparticle streams”. Comms. Eng., 3(1):171, (2024).

D. Hein, S. Holmin, T. Szczykutowicz, J. S. Maltz, M. Danielsson, G. Wang, and M. Persson. “Noise suppression in photon-counting computed tomography using unsupervised poisson flow generative models”. Vis. Comput. Ind. Biomed. Art., 7(1):24, (2024).

R. Behling, C. Hulme, P. Tolias, and M. Danielsson. “Nearly monochromatic bremsstrahlung of high intensity via microparticle targets: A novel concept”. Instruments, 8(3), (2024).

D. Hein, S. Holmin, T. Szczykutowicz, J. S. Maltz, M. Danielsson, G. Wang, and M. Persson. PPFM: Image denoising in photon-counting ct using single-step posterior sampling poisson flow generative models”. IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci., (2024). In press.

R. Behling, C. Hulme, P. Tolias, G. Poludniowski, and M. Danielsson. “Microparticle hybrid target simulation for kev x-ray sources”. Instruments, 8(2), (2024).

F. Grönberg, Z. Yin, J. S. Maltz, N. J. Pelc, and M. Persson. “The effects of intra-detector compton scatter on low-frequency dqe for photon-counting ct using edge-on-irradiated silicon detectors”. Med. Phys., 51(7):4948–4969, (2024).

M. Bertilson, O. von Hofsten, J. S. Maltz, K. Taphorn, J. Herzen, and M. Danielsson. “Analyzer-free hard x-ray interferometry”. Phys. Med. Biol., 69(4):045011, (2024).

R. Brunskog, M. Persson, Z. Jin, and M. Danielsson. First experimental evaluation of a high-resolution deep silicon photon-counting sensor. J. Med. Imag., 11(1):013503, (2024).

Z. Jin, R. Brunskog, M. Danielsson, and M. Persson. “First experimental evaluation of count-rate performance for micrometre resolution deep silicon detector”. Phys. Med. Biol., 69(3):035013, (2024).

T. G. Schmidt, E. Y. Sidky, X. Pan, R. F. Barber, F. Grönberg, M. Sjölin, and M. Danielsson. “Constrained one-step material decomposition reconstruction of head CT data from a silicon photon-counting prototype”. Med. Phys., 50(10):6008–6021, (2023). Editor’s Choice in October 2023 Issue of Med. Phys..

C. Sundberg, M. Persson, J. J. Wikner, and M. Danielsson. “Timing resolution in double-sided silicon photon-counting computed tomography detectors”. J. Med. Imag., 10(2), (2023).

E. Ström, M. Persson, A. Eguizabal, and O. Öktem. “Photon-Counting CT Reconstruction with a Learned Forward Operator”. IEEE Trans. Comput. Imaging., 8:536–550, (2022).

A. S. Wang, I. A. Cunningham, M. Danielsson, R. Fahrig, T. Flohr, C. Hoeschen, F. Noo, J. M. Sabol, J. H. Siewerdsen, A. Tingberg, J. I. Yorkston, W. Zhao, and E. Samei. “Science and practice of imaging physics through 50 years of SPIE Medical Imaging conferences”. J. Med. Imag., 9(S1):012205, (2022).

C. Sundberg, M. Danielsson, and M. Persson. “Compton coincidence in silicon photon-counting CT detectors”. J. Med. Imag., 9(1):013501, (2022).

C. Sundberg, M. U. Persson, J. J. Wikner, and M. Danielsson. “1-μ spatial resolution in silicon photon-counting CT detectors”. J. Med. Imag., 8(6):063501, (2021).

H. H. Guo, M. Persson, O. Weinheimer, J. Rosenberg, T. E. Robinson, and J. Wang. “A calibration CT mini-lung-phantom created by 3-D printing and subtractive manufacturing”. J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys., 22(6):183–190, (2021).

V. Sandfort, M. Persson, A. Pourmorteza, P. B. Noël, D. Fleischmann, and M. J. Willemink. “Spectral photon-counting CT in cardiovascular imaging”. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, 15(3):218–225, (2021).

M. Danielsson, M. Persson, and M. Sjölin. “Photon-counting x-ray detectors for CT. Phys. Med. Biol., 66(3):03TR01, (2021).

C. Sundberg, M. Persson, M. Sjölin, J. J. Wikner, and M. Danielsson. “Silicon photon-counting detector for full-field CT using an ASIC with adjustable shaping time”. J. Med. Imag., 7(5), (2020).

R. Bujila, A. Omar, and G. Poludniowski. “A validation of spekpy: A software toolkit for modelling x-ray tube spectra”. Physica Medica, 75:44–54, (2020).

F. Grönberg, J. Lundberg, M. Sjölin, M. Persson, R. Bujila, H. Bornefalk, H. Almqvist, S. Holmin, and M. Danielsson. “Feasibility of unconstrained three-material decomposition: imaging an excised human heart using a prototype silicon photon-counting CT detector”. Eur. Radiol., 30(11):5904–5912, (2020).

Z. Alagic, R. Bujila, A. Enocson, S. Srivastava, and S. K. Koskinen. “Ultra-low-dose CT for extremities in an acute setting: initial experience with 203 subjects”. Skeletal Radiology, 49(4):531–539, (2020).

Y. Zheng, M. Yveborg, F. Grönberg, C. Xu, Q. Su, M. Danielsson, and M. Persson. “Robustness of optimal energy thresholds in photon-counting spectral CT. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 953:163132, (2020).

Z. Alagic, H. Alagic, R. Bujila, S. Srivastava, S. Jasim, M. Lindqvist, and M. C. Wick. “First experiences of a low-dose protocol for CT-guided musculoskeletal biopsies combining different radiation dose reduction techniques”. Acta Radiologica, 61(1):28–36, (2020).

J. da Silva, F. Grönberg, B. Cederström, M. Persson, M. Sjölin, Z. Alagic, R. Bujila, and M. Danielsson. “Resolution characterization of a silicon-based, photon-counting computed tomography prototype capable of patient scanning”. J. Med. Imaging, 6(4):043502, (2019).

W. Mi, P. Nillius, M. Pearce, and M. Danielsson. “A stacked prism lens concept for next-generation hard X-ray telescopes”. Nature Astronomy, 3(9):867–872, (2019).

P. Nowik, G. Poludniowski, A. Svensson, R. Bujila, F. Morsbach, and T. B. Brismar. “The synthetic localizer radiograph – A new CT scan planning method”. Physica Medica, 61:58–63, (2019).

S. S. Hsieh and M. Sjolin. “Digital count summing vs analog charge summing for photon counting detectors: A performance simulation study”. Med. Phys., 45(9):4085–4093, (2018).

M. Persson, S. Holmin, S. Karlsson, H. Bornefalk, and M. Danielsson. “Subpixel x-ray imaging with an energy-resolving detector”. J. Med. Imaging, 5(1):013507, (2018).

R. Bujila, L. Kull, M. Danielsson, and J. Andersson. “Applying three different methods of measuring CTDIfree air to the extended CTDI formalism for wide-beam scanners (IEC 60601–2–44): A comparative study”. J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys., 19(4):281–289, (2018).

K. Berggren, M. Eriksson, P. Hall, M. G. Wallis, and E. Fredenberg. “In vivo measurement of the effective atomic number of breast skin using spectral mammography”. Phys. Med. Biol., 63(21):215023, (2018).

K. Berggren, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and E. Fredenberg. “Cascaded systems analysis of shift-variant image quality in slit-scanning breast tomosynthesis”. Med. Phys., 45(10):4392–4401, (2018).

F. Grönberg, M. Danielsson, and M. Sjölin. “Count statistics of nonparalyzable photon-counting detectors with nonzero pulse length”. Med. Phys., 45(8):3800–3811, (2018).

K. Berggren, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and E. Fredenberg. “Technical Note: Comparison of first- and second-generation photon-counting slit-scanning tomosynthesis systems”. Med. Phys., 45(2):635–638, (2018).

K. Berggren, B. Cederstroem, M. Lundqvist, and E. Fredenberg. “Characterization of photon-counting multislit breast tomosynthesis”. Med. Phys., 45(2):549–560, (2018).

P. Nowik, R. Bujila, L. Kull, J. Andersson, and G. Poludniowski. “The dosimetric impact of including the patient table in CT dose estimates”. Phys. Med. Biol., 62(23):N538–, (2017).

M. Persson and F. Grönberg. “Bias–variance tradeoff in anticorrelated noise reduction for spectral CT. Med. Phys., 44(9):e242–e254, (2017).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “Compression of CT sinogram data by decimation in the view direction”. Med. Phys., 44(9):e138–e146, (2017).

D. Merzan, P. Nowik, G. Poludniowski, and R. Bujila. “Evaluating the impact of scan settings on automatic tube current modulation in CT using a novel phantom”. Br. J. Radiol., 90(1069):20160308, (2017).

R. Bujila, A. Fransson, and G. Poludniowski. “Practical approaches to approximating MTF and NPS in CT with an example application to task-based observer studies”. Physica Medica, 33:16–25, (2017).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “Relative calibration of energy thresholds on multi-bin spectral x-ray detectors”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 840:1–4, (2016).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “A method for geometric calibration of edge-on detectors in a CT-gantry”. Med. Phys., 43(11):6165–6174, (2016).

M. Persson, R. Bujila, P. Nowik, H. Andersson, L. Kull, J. Andersson, H. Bornefalk, and M. Danielsson. “Upper limits of the photon fluence rate on CT detectors: Case study on a commercial scanner”. Med. Phys., 43(7):4398–4411, (2016).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “Angular oversampling with temporally offset layers on multilayer detectors in computed tomography”. Med. Phys., 43(6Part1):2877–2883, (2016).

A. Omar, R. Bujila, A. Fransson, P. Andreo, and G. Poludniowski. “A framework for organ dose estimation in x-ray angiography and interventional radiology based on dose-related data in DICOM structured reports”. Phys. Med. Biol., 61(8):3063, (2016).

E. Fredenberg, F. Kilburn-Toppin, P. Willsher, E. Moa, M. Danielsson, D. R. Dance, K. C. Young, and M. G. Wallis. “Measurement of breast-tissue x-ray attenuation by spectral mammography: solid lesions”. Phys. Med. Biol., 61(7):2595, (2016).

X. Liu, F. Grönberg, M. Sjölin, S. Karlsson, and M. Danielsson. “Count rate performance of a silicon-strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 827:102–106, (2016).

H. Chen, M. Danielsson, and C. Xu. “Size-dependent scanning parameters (kVp and mAs) for photon-counting spectral CT system in pediatric imaging: Simulation study”. Phys. Med. Biol., 61(11):4105–4126, (2016).

W. Mi, S. Karlsson, A. Holmberg, M. Danielsson, and P. Nillius. “Fabrication of circular sawtooth gratings using focused UV lithography”. J. Micromech. Microeng., 26(3):035001, (2016).

H. Chen, C. Xu, M. Persson, and M. Danielsson. “Optimization of beam quality for photon-counting spectral computed tomography in head imaging: simulation study”. J. Med. Imag., 2(4):043504, (2015).

J. Ödén, J. Zimmerman, R. Bujila, P. Nowik, and G. Poludniowski. “Technical Note: On the calculation of stopping-power ratio for stoichiometric calibration in proton therapy”. Med. Phys., 42(9):5252–5257, (2015).

X. Liu, M. Persson, H. Bornefalk, S. Karlsson, C. Xu, M. Danielsson, and B. Huber. “Spectral response model for a multibin photon-counting spectral computed tomography detector and its applications”. J. Med. Imag., 2(3):033502, (2015).

H. Chen, M. E. Danielsson, C. Xu, and B. Cederström. “On image quality metrics and the usefulness of grids in digital mammography”. J. Med. Imag., 2(1):013501, (2015).

X. Liu, H. Chen, H. Bornefalk, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, M. Persson, C. Xu, and B. Huber. “Energy calibration of a silicon-strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT by direct usage of the X-ray tube spectrum”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 62(1):68–75, (2015).

H. Bornefalk, M. Persson, and M. Danielsson. “Allowable forward model misspecification for accurate basis decomposition in a silicon detector based spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 34(3):788–795, (2015).

M. Yveborg, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Theoretical comparison of a dual energy system and photon counting silicon detector used for material quantification in spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 34(3):796–806, (2015).

M. Yveborg, M. Persson, and H. Bornefalk. “Optimal frequency-based weighting for spectral X-ray projection imaging”. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 34(3):779–787, (2015).

P. Nillius, W. Klamra, P. Sibczynski, D. Sharma, M. Danielsson, and A. Badano. “Light output measurements and computational models of microcolumnar CsI scintillators for x-ray imaging”. Med. Phys., 42(2):600–605, (2015).

M. Persson, B. Huber, S. Karlsson, X. Liu, H. Chen, C. Xu, M. Yveborg, H. Bornefalk, and M. Danielsson. “Energy-resolved CT imaging with a photon-counting silicon-strip detector”. Phys. Med. Biol., 59(22):6709, (2014).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “Improved signal-to-noise ratio for non-perpendicular detection angles in x-ray fluorescence computed tomography (XFCT)”. Phys. Med. Biol., 59(21):6507, (2014).

U. Boscain, F. Grönberg, R. Long, and H. Rabitz. “Minimal time trajectories for two-level quantum systems with two bounded controls”. J. Math. Phys., 55(6), (2014).

H. Chen, B. Cederström, C. Xu, M. Persson, S. Karlsson, and M. Danielsson. “A photon-counting silicon-strip detector for digital mammography with an ultrafast 0.18-μm CMOS ASIC. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 749:1–6, (2014).

W. Mi and P. Nillius. “Efficient proximity effect correction method based on multivariate adaptive regression splines for grayscale e-beam lithography”. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 32(3), (2014).

X. Liu, H. Bornefalk, H. Chen, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, M. Persson, C. Xu, and B. Huber. “A silicon-strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT: Energy resolution from 40 keV to 120 keV. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 61(3):1099–1105, (2014).

H. Bornefalk and M. Persson. “Theoretical comparison of the iodine quantification accuracy of two spectral CT technologies”. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 33(2):556–565, (2014).

M. Yveborg, M. Persson, J. Crafoord, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Eliminated risk of iodine contrast cancellation with multibin spectral CT. Phys. Med. Biol., 58(14), (2013).

C. Xu, H. Chen, M. Persson, S. Karlsson, M. Danielsson, C. Svensson, and H. Bornefalk. “Energy resolution of a segmented silicon strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 715:11–17, (2013).

G. V. Schie, M. G. Wallis, K. Leifland, M. Danielsson, and N. Karssemeijer. “Mass detection in reconstructed digital breast tomosynthesis volumes with a computer-aided detection system trained on 2D mammograms”. Med. Phys., 40(4):041902, (2013).

H. Bornefalk, M. Persson, C. Xu, S. Karlsson, C. Svensson, and M. Danielsson. “Effect of temperature variation on the energy response of a photon counting silicon CT detector”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 60(2):1442–1449, (2013).

C. Xu, M. Persson, H. Chen, S. Karlsson, M. Danielsson, C. Svensson, and H. Bornefalk. “Evaluation of a second-generation ultra-fast energy-resolved ASIC for photon-counting spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 60(1):437–445, (2013).

E. Fredenberg, M. Danielsson, J. W. Stayman, J. H. Siewerdsen, and M. Åslund. “Ideal-observer detectability in photon-counting differential phase-contrast imaging using a linear-systems approach”. Med. Phys., 39(9):5317–5335, (2012).

M. Persson and H. Bornefalk. “A framework for evaluating threshold variation compensation methods in photon counting spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 31(10):1861–1874, (2012).

M. Gustavsson, F. U. Amin, A. Björklid, A. Ehliar, C. Xu, and C. Svensson. “A high-rate energy-resolving photon-counting ASIC for spectral computed tomography”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 59(1 Part 1):30–39, (2012).

M. Yveborg, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Performance evaluation of a sub-millimetre spectrally resolved CT system on high- and low-frequency imaging tasks: a simulation”. Phys. Med. Biol., 57(8):2373, (2012).

S. Tibbelin, P. Nillius, and M. Danielsson. “Simulation of HyperSPECT: a high-resolution small-animal system with in-line x-ray optics”. Phys. Med. Biol., 57(6):1617–1629, (2012).

H. Bornefalk. “Synthetic hounsfield units from spectral ct data”. Phys. Med. Biol., 57(7):N83, (2012).

C. Xu, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, C. Svensson, and H. Bornefalk. “Preliminary evaluation of a silicon strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 677:45–51, (2012).

M. G. Wallis, E. Moa, F. Zanca, K. Leifland, and M. Danielsson. “Two-view and single-view tomosynthesis versus full-field digital mammography: high-resolution X-ray imaging observer study”. Radiology, 262(3):788–796, (2012).

H. Bornefalk. XCOM intrinsic dimensionality for low-Z elements at diagnostic energies”. Med. Phys., 39(2):654–657, (2012).

H. Bornefalk. “Task-based weights for photon counting spectral x-ray imaging”. Med. Phys., 38(11):6065–6073, (2011).

P. Norlin, C. Xu, D. Perttu, M. Lundqvist, M. Åslund, and M. Bakowski. “Evaluation of junction termination for silicon X-ray detectors”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 648(SUPPL. 1):S68–S71, (2011).

C. Xu, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Evaluation of energy loss and charge sharing in cadmium telluride detectors for photon-counting computed tomography”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 58(3 PART 1):614–625, (2011).

C. Xu, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Validity of spherical approximations of initial charge cloud shape in silicon detectors”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 648(SUPPL. 1):S190–S193, (2011).

B. Cederström, E. Fredenberg, M. Lundqvist, T. Ericson, and M. Åslund. “Observer-model optimization of X-ray system in photon-counting breast imaging”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 648(SUPPL. 1):S54–S57, (2011).

F. F. Schmitzberger, E. M. Fallenberg, R. Lawaczeck, M. Hemmendorff, E. Moa, M. Danielsson, U. Bick, S. Diekmann, A. Pöllinger, F. J. Engelken, and F. Diekmann. “Development of Low-Dose Photon-counting Contrast-enhanced Tomosynthesis with Spectral Imaging”. Radiology, 259(2):558–564, (2011).

P. Nillius, S. Karlsson, B. Cederström, E. Fredenberg, and M. Danielsson. “Large-aperture focusing of high-energy x rays with a rolled polyimide film”. Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 555-557, 36(4):555–557, (2011).

P. Nillius and M. Danielsson. “Theoretical bounds and system design for multipinhole SPECT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 29(7):1390–1400, (2010).

H. Bornefalk, C. Xu, C. Svensson, and M. Danielsson. “Design considerations to overcome cross talk in a photon counting silicon strip detector for computed tomography”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 621(1-3):371–378, (2010).

H. Bornefalk and M. Danielsson. “Photon-counting spectral computed tomography using silicon strip detectors: a feasibility study”. Phys. Med. Biol., 55(7):1999, (2010).

M. Åslund, E. Fredenberg, M. Telman, and M. Danielsson. “Detectors for the future of X-ray imaging”. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 139(1-3):327–333, (2010).

E. Fredenberg, M. Hemmendorff, B. Cederström, M. Åslund, and M. Danielsson. “Contrast-enhanced spectral mammography with a photon-counting detector”. Med. Phys., 37(5):2017–2029, (2010).

E. Fredenberg, M. Lundqvist, B. Cederström, M. Åslund, and M. Danielsson. “Energy resolution of a photon-counting silicon strip detector”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 613(1):156–162, (2010).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, and M. Danielsson. “Energy filtering with X-ray lenses: optimization for photon-counting mammography”. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 139(1-3):339–342, (2010).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, P. Nillius, C. Ribbing, S. Karlsson, and M. Danielsson. “A low-absorption x-ray energy filter for small-scale applications”. Optics Express, 17(14):11388–11398, (2009).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, M. Åslund, P. Nillius, and M. Danielsson. “An efficient pre-object collimator based on an x-ray lens”. Med. Phys., 36(2):626–633, (2009).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, M. Åslund, C. Ribbing, and M. Danielsson. “A tunable energy filter for medical x-ray imaging”. X-Ray Optics and Instrumentation, 2008(1):635024, (2008).

M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Physical characterization of a scanning photon counting digital mammography system based on Si-strip detectors”. Med. Phys., 34(6 Part 1):1918–1925, (2007).

M. Åslund, E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, and M. Danielsson. “Spectral shaping for photon counting digital mammography”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 580(2):1046–1049, (2007).

S. D. Shastri, J. Almer, C. Ribbing, and B. Cederström. “High-energy X-ray optics with silicon saw-tooth refractive lenses”. J. Synchrotron Rad., 14(2):204–211, (2007).

B. Cederström and U. Streubühr. “Comparison of photon-counting to storage phosphor plate mammography using contrast-detail phantom analysis”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 580(2):1101–1104, (2007).

H. Bornefalk, M. Hemmendorff, and T. Hjärn. “Contrast-enhanced dual-energy mammography using a scanned multislit system: evaluation of a differential beam filtering technique”. J. Electron. Imaging, 16(2):023006, (2007).

M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Scatter rejection in multislit digital mammography”. Med. Phys., 33(4):933–940, (2006).

H. Bornefalk, J. M. Lewin, M. Danielsson, and M. Lundqvist. “Single-shot dual-energy subtraction mammography with electronic spectrum splitting: Feasibility”. Eur. J. Radiol., 60(2):275–278, (2006).

M. Åslund. “Latest advancements in digital mammography”. Hospital Imaging & Radiology Europe, 1(4):29–31, (2006).

M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. AEC for scanning digital mammography based on variation of scan velocity”. Med. Phys., 32(11):3367–3374, (2005).

B. Cederström, C. Ribbing, and M. Lundqvist. “Generalized prism-array lenses for hard X-rays”. J. Sync. Rad, 12(3):340–344, (2005).

C. Iacobaeus, A. Breskin, M. Danielsson, T. Francke, D. Mörmann, J. Östling, and V. Peskov. “Advances in capillary-based gaseous UV imaging detectors”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 525(1-2):42–48, (2004).

M. Danielsson, P. Fonte, T. Francke, C. Iacobaeus, J. Östling, and V. Peskov. “Novel gaseous detectors for medical imaging”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 518(1-2):406–410, (2004).

C. Iacobaeus, T. Francke, M. Danielsson, J. Östling, and V. Peskov. “Study of capillary-based gaseous detectors”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 51(3 III):952–959, (2004).

J. Östling, A. Brahme, M. Danielsson, C. Iacobaeus, and V. Peskov. “A radiation-tolerant electronic readout system for portal imaging”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 525(1-2):308–312, (2004).

C. Ribbing, B. Cederström, and M. Lundqvist. “Microfabrication of saw-tooth refractive x-ray lenses in low-Z materials”. J. Micromech. Microeng., 13(5):714, (2003).

J. Östling, A. Brahme, M. Danielsson, T. Francke, C. Iacobaeus, and V. Peskov. “Study of hole-type gas multiplication structures for portal imaging and other high count rate applications”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 50(4 II):809–819, (2003).

C. Iacobaeus, M. Danielsson, P. Fonte, T. Francke, J. Östling, and V. Peskov. “Sporadic electron jets from cathodes - the main breakdown-triggering mechanism in gaseous detectors”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 49 I(4):1622–1628, (2002).

M. Lundqvist, B. Cederström, V. Chmill, M. Danielsson, and B. Hasegawa. “Evaluation of a photon-counting X-ray imaging system”. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 48(4 II):1530–1536, (2001).

B. Cederström, R. N. Cahn, M. Danielsson, M. Lundqvist, and D. Nygren. “Focusing hard X-rays with old LPs”. Nature 2000 404:6781, 404(6781):951–951, (2000).

B. Cederström, M. Danielsson, M. Lundqvist, and D. Nygren. “High-resolution x-ray imaging using the signal time dependence on a double-sided silicon detector”. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 423(1):135–145, (1999).

R. N. Cahn, B. Cederström, M. Danielsson, A. Hall, M. Lundqvist, and D. Nygren. “Detective quantum efficiency dependence on x-ray energy weighting in mammography”. Med. Phys., 26(12):2680–2683, (1999).


Conference Papers

R. Huang, K. Larsson, and M. U. Persson. “Deep-learning-based motion artifact reduction for photon-counting spectral cardiac CT. Proc. SPIE, 12925:1292507, (2024).

S. S. M. Tehrani, K. Larsson, F. Grönberg, J. Loberg, H. Linder, and M. U. Persson. “Iodine K-edge imaging in photon counting CT through multiple two-basis decompositions and deep learning”. Proc. SPIE, 12925:129252T, (2024).

K. Larsson, D. Hein, R. Huang, D. Collin, J. Andersson, and M. Persson. “Proton-stopping power ratio prediction using photon-counting computed tomography and deep learning”. Proc. SPIE, 12925:129252P, (2024).

P. Pandurevic, A. Back, D. Hein, and M. Persson. “Impact of deep-learning CT image denoising on the accuracy of radiomics parameter estimation”. Proc. SPIE, 12925:129252C, (2024).

R. Brunskog, M. Bertilson, O. v. Hofsten, and M. Persson. “Non-prewhitening observer applied on grating-based and grating-less phase-contrast imaging: a simulation study”. Proc. SPIE, 12925:129250H, (2024).

R. Brunskog, M. Persson, Z. Jin, and M. Danielsson. “Experimental evaluation of a micron-resolution CT detector”. Proc. SPIE, 12925:129250B, (2024).

L. Terenzi, P. Lundhammar, and M. Persson. “Basis Image Filtering Enables Subpixel Resolution in Photon-Counting CT. Proceedings of the 17th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pages 390–393, (2023).

D. Hein and M. Persson. “Generation of Photon-counting Spectral CT Images Using a Score-based Diffusion Model”. Proceedings of the 17th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pages 155–158, (2023).

A. Eguizabal, D. Hein, B. Sandrini, and M. U. Persson. “Model-based deep learning to achieve interpretable spectral CT denoising”. Proc. SPIE, 12463:124633S, (2023).

D. Hein and M. Persson. “Spectral CT denoising using a conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial network”. Proc. SPIE, 12463:124633A, (2023).

M. Daniel, M. Danielsson, B. D. Yanoff, and M. U. Persson. “Charge collection efficiency of CdTe detectors: impact of charge collection time and polarisation”. Proc. SPIE, 12463:124630H, (2023).

D. Hein, K. Liappis, A. Eguizabal, and M. Persson. “Deep learning ring artifact correction in photon-counting spectral CT with perceptual loss”. 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, 12304:123042Q, (2022).

A. Eguizabal, O. Öktem, and M. Persson. “A deep learning one-step solution to material image reconstruction in photon counting spectral CT. Proc. SPIE, 12031:120310Y, (2022).

H. Karlsson, V. Moro, A. Eguizabal, M. Eriksson, A. Ågren, D. Åkerström, and M. U. Persson. “Deep-learning-based denoising for photon-counting CT: image domain or projection domain?”. Proc. SPIE, 12031:120312S, (2022).

A. Eguizabal, M. Persson, and O. Öktem. “Learned Material Decomposition for Photon Counting CT. Proceedings of the 16th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pages 15–19, (2021).

M. U. Persson. “Low-dose photon-counting CT with penalized-likelihood basis-image reconstruction: image quality evaluation”. Proc. SPIE, 11595:115954G, (2021).

A. Eguizabal, M. U. Persson, F. Grönberg, A. Eguizabal, M. U. Persson, and F. Grönberg. “A deep learning post-processing to enhance the maximum likelihood estimate of three material decomposition in photon counting spectral CT. Proc. SPIE, 11595:1159546, (2021).

C. Sundberg, M. Danielsson, and M. Persson. Compton coincidence in silicon photon-counting CT detectors. Proc. SPIE, 11595:115950C, (2021).

M. U. Persson, L. Fu, P. M. Edic, and B. D. Man. “A new series expansion method and its application to photon-counting CT reconstruction”. Proc. SPIE, 11312:113121H, (2020).

C. Sundberg, M. Persson, J. J. Wikner, and M. Danielsson. “1 μm spatial resolution in silicon photon-counting CT detectors by measuring charge diffusion”. Proc. SPIE, 11312:113120E, (2020).

C. Sundberg, M. Persson, A. Ehliar, M. Sjölin, J. Wikner, and M. Danielsson. Increased count-rate performance and dose efficiency for silicon photon-counting detectors for full-field CT using an ASIC with adjustable shaping time. Proc. SPIE, 10948:109481W, (2019).

C. Sundberg, M. Sjölin, J. Wikner, C. Svensson, and M. Danielsson. “Increasing the dose efficiency in silicon photon-counting detectors utilizing dual shapers”. Proc. SPIE, 10573:105734W, (2018).

F. Grönberg, M. Sjölin, and M. Danielsson. “Count statistics and pileup correction for nonparalyzable photon counting detectors with finite pulse length”. Proc. SPIE, 10573:105730Z, (2018).

M. Persson and J. Adler. “Spectral CT reconstruction with anti-correlated noise model and joint prior”. Proceedings of the 14th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pages 580–585, (2017).

B. Cederström, E. Fredenberg, K. Berggren, K. Erhard, M. Danielsson, and M. Wallis. “Lesion characterization in spectral photon-counting tomosynthesis”. Proc. SPIE, 10132:1013205, (2017).

M. Persson and M. Danielsson. “Resolution improvement in x-ray imaging with an energy-resolving detector”. Proc. SPIE, 10132:101321D, (2017).

M. Sjölin and M. Persson. “Optimal sinogram sampling with temporally offset pixels in continuous rotation CT. Proc. SPIE, 10132:101322I, (2017).

K. Berggren, M. Danielsson, and E. Fredenberg. “Rayleigh imaging in spectral mammography”. Proc. SPIE, 9783:97830A, (2016).

M. Persson and F. Grönberg. “Spatial-frequency-domain study of anticorrelated noise reduction in spectral CT. Proc. 4th Intl. Mtg. on image formation in X-ray CT, pages 283–286, (2016).

M. Sjölin and M. Danielsson. “Angular oversampling and built-in anti-aliasing filtration in CT with ultra-fast ASIC on photon counting detector”. Proc. 4th Intl. Mtg. on image formation in X-ray CT, pages 45–8, (2016).

E. Fredenberg, K. Berggren, M. Bartels, and K. Erhard. “Volumetric breast-density measurement using spectral photon-counting tomosynthesis: First clinical results”. Breast Imaging. IWDM 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9699:576–584, (2016).

K. Berggren, M. Lundqvist, B. Cederström, M. E. Danielsson, and E. Fredenberg. “Physical characterization of photon-counting tomosynthesis”. Proc. SPIE, 9412:941259, (2015).

X. Liu, H. Chen, H. Bornefalk, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, M. Persson, C. Xu, and B. Huber. “Modelling the channel-wise count response of a photon-counting spectral CT detector to a broad x-ray spectrum”. Proc. SPIE, 9412:941215, (2015).

F. Grönberg, M. Persson, and H. Bornefalk. “Third material separation in spectral CT with basis decomposition”. Proc. of The 13th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, pages 499–502, (2015).

E. Fredenberg, K. Erhard, K. Berggren, D. R. Dance, K. C. Young, B. Cederström, H. Johansson, M. Lundqvist, E. Moa, H. Homan, P. Willsher, F. Kilburn-Toppin, and M. Wallis. “X-ray attenuation of adipose breast tissue: in-vitro and in-vivo measurements using spectral imaging”. Proc. SPIE.

Y. Yao, H. Bornefalk, S. S. Hsieh, M. Danielsson, and N. J. Pelc. “Utilization of in-depth photon counting detectors towards x-ray spectral imaging: The benefits from the depth information”. 2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2014, pages 1156–1159, (2014).

H. Bornefalk, M. Persson, and M. Danielsson. “Necessary forward model specification accuracy for basis material decomposition in spectral CT. Proc. SPIE, 9033:90332I, (2014).

M. Persson, B. Huber, S. Karlsson, X. Liu, H. Chen, C. Xu, M. Yveborg, H. Bornefalk, and M. Danielsson. Energy-resolved CT imaging with a photon-counting silicon-strip detector. 9033:90333L, (2014).

X. Liu, H. Bornefalk, H. Chen, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, M. Persson, C. Xu, B. Huber, X. Liu, H. Bornefalk, H. Chen, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, M. Persson, C. Xu, and B. Huber. “Characterization of a silicon strip detector for photon-counting spectral CT using monoenergetic photons from 40 keV to 120 keV. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 9033:90333O, (2014).

H. Chen, M. Danielsson, B. Cederström, H. Chen, M. Danielsson, and B. Cederström. “On imaging with or without grid in digital mammography”. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 9033:903346, (2014).

Y. Yao, H. Bornefalk, S. S. Hsieh, M. Danielsson, and N. J. Pelc. “Use of depth information from in-depth photon counting detectors for x-ray spectral imaging: a preliminary simulation study”. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 9033:90333E, (2014).

E. Fredenberg, E. Roessl, T. Koehler, U. V. Stevendaal, I. Schulze-Wenck, N. Wieberneit, M. Stampanoni, Z. Wang, R. A. Kubik-Huch, N. Hauser, M. Lundqvist, M. Danielsson, and M. Åslund. Proc of SPIE, page 83130F.

B. Norell, E. Fredenberg, K. Leifland, M. Lundqvist, and B. Cederström. “Lesion characterization using spectral mammography”. Proc. SPIE, 8313(24):83130I, (2012).

C. Xu, M. Yveborg, H. Chen, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, C. Svensson, and H. Bornefalk. “Evaluation of an ultra-fast photon-counting energy-resolved ASIC for spectral CT. Proc of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 8313:83130Y, (2012).

M. Persson, B. Meyer, H. Bornefalk, and M. Danielsson. “Quantification of ring artifact visibility in CT. SPIE, 8313:83132J, (2012).

M. Yveborg, M. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. Task based weights for spectral computed tomography. 8313:831334, (2012).

P. Nillius. “Geometric scattering in prism-array lenses for hard x-rays: Measurements, simulations and models”. AIP Conf. Proc, 1437:111–115, (2012).

N. Dahlman, E. Fredenberg, M. Åslund, M. Lundqvist, F. Diekmann, and M. Danielsson. “Evaluation of photon-counting spectral breast tomosynthesis”. Proc of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 7961:796114, (2011).

E. Fredenberg, B. Svensson, M. Danielsson, B. Lazzari, and B. Cederström. “Optimization of mammography with respect to anatomical noise”. Proc of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 7961:796112, (2011).

M. Yveborg, M. E. Danielsson, and H. Bornefalk. “Performance evaluation of a sub-millimeter spectrally resolved CT system on pediatric imaging tasks: a simulation”. Proc. of SPIE, 7961:79615W, (2011).

C. Xu, M. Danielsson, S. Karlsson, C. Svensson, and H. Bornefalk. “Performance characterization of a silicon strip detector for spectral computed tomography utilizing a laser testing system”. Proc. of SPIE, 7961:79610S, (2011).

E. Fredenberg, M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Observer model optimization of a spectral mammography system”. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 7622:762210, (2010).

E. Fredenberg. “Modern teknik kan förbättra mammografin”. Läkartidningen, (2010).

H. Bornefalk, C. Xu, C. Svensson, and M. Danielsson. “Simulation study of an energy sensitive photon counting silicon strip detector for computed tomography: identifying strengths and weaknesses and developing work-arounds”. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 7622:76223P, (2010).

M. Yveborg, C. Xu, E. Fredenberg, and M. Danielsson. “Photon-counting CT with silicon detectors: feasibility for pediatric imaging”. Proc. of SPIE, Physics of Medical Imaging, 7258:725825, (2009).

E. Fredenberg, M. Lundqvist, M. Åslund, M. Hemmendorff, B. Cederström, and M. Danielsson. “A photon-counting detector for dual-energy breast tomosynthesis”. Proc. SPIE, 7258:72581J, (2009).

S. Tibbelin, P. Nillius, B. Cederström, and M. Danielsson. “HyperSPECT: a new system for pre-clinical imaging in vivo”. Proc. SPIE, 7258:317–324, (2009).

S. Tibbelin, A. Badano, and M. Danielsson. “Feasibility study for photon counting detector for high resolution pre clinical SPECT. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, pages 3975–3979, (2008).

M. Wallis, C. Wright, U. Bick, M. Danielsson, F. Diekmann, W. Heindel, K. Leifland, B. Seradour, and M. Åslund. “Highrex, photon counting tomosynthesis: A new concept for X-ray imaging of the breast”. European Congress of Radiology, (2008).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, M. Åslund, P. Nillius, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Imaging with multi-prism x-ray lenses”. Proc. SPIE, 6913:691308, (2008).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, C. Ribbing, M. Åslund, F. Diekmann, R. Nishikawa, and M. Danielsson. “Contrast-enhanced dual-energy subtraction imaging using electronic spectrum-splitting and multi-prism x-ray lenses”. Proc. SPIE, 6913:691310, (2008).

E. Fredenberg, B. Cederström, C. Ribbing, and M. Danielsson. “Prism-array lenses for energy filtering in medical x-ray imaging”. Proc. SPIE, 6510:65100S, (2007).

M. V. Lundqvist, B. Cederström, M. C. Åslund, and M. E. Danielsson. “Contrast phantom design considerations in mammography”. Proc. SPIE, (2007).

H. Bornefalk and M. Lundqvist. “Dual-energy imaging using a photon counting detector with electronic spectrum-splitting”. Proc. SPIE, 61421H:523–533, (2006).

M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Optimization of operating conditions in photon-counting multi-slit mammography based on si-strip detectors”. Proc. SPIE, 6142:61420A, (2006).

H. Bornefalk, M. Hemmendorff, and T. Hjärn. “Dual-energy imaging using a digital scanned multi-slit system for mammography: evaluation of a differential beam filtering technique”. Proc. SPIE, 6142:61422O, (2006).

M. Åslund, B. Cederstrom, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Optimized AEC for scanning digital mammography based on local variation of scan velocity”. Proc. SPIE, 5745:468–477, (2005).

H. Bornefalk, J. M. Lewin, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Improved Dual-Energy Contrast Imaging Using an Energy Sensitive Photon Counting Detector and Spectrum-Splitting”. Abstract Archives of the RSNA, SSK16: ISP: Physics (New Imaging Methods and Systems), (2005).

M. Åslund, B. Cederström, M. Lundqvist, and M. Danielsson. “Scatter rejection in scanned multislit digital mammography”. Proc. SPIE, 5368:478–487, (2004).

M. Lundqvist, M. Danielsson, B. Cederström, V. Chmill, A. Chuntonov, and M. Åslund. “Measurements on a full-field digital mammography system with a photon counting crystalline silicon detector”. Proc. SPIE, 5030:547–552, (2003).

M. Lundqvist, D. Bergstrom, B. Cederstrom, V. Chmill, A. Chuntonov, M. Danielsson, and M. Åslund. “Physical evaluation of a prototype for the sectra microdose mammography system”. Proc. 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, pages 12–16, (2003).

B. Hansson, B. Cederström, M. Danielsson, and M. Åslund. “Dose Measurements on a Scanning Multi-slit Digital Mammography System”. Proc. 6th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, pages 17–19, (2003).

C. Iacobaeus, T. Francke, M. Danielsson, J. Ostling, and V. Peskov. “Study capillary-based gaseous detectors”. 2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37515), 1:252–256 Vol.1, (2003).

J. Ostling, A. Brahme, M. Danielsson, T. Francke, C. Iacobaeus, and V. Peskov. “Study of hole-type gas multiplication structures for portal imaging and other high counting rate applications”. 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1:619–623 vol.1, (2002).

B. Cederström, M. Danielsson, and M. Lundqvist. “Refractive beryllium x-ray lens with variable focal length”. Proc. SPIE, Advances in X-ray Optics, 4145:294–302, (2001).

M. Danielsson, H. Bornefalk, B. Cederström, V. Chmill, B. H. Hasegawa, M. Lundqvist, D. R. Nygren, and T. Tabar. “Dose-efficient system for digital mammography”. Proc. SPIE, 3977:239–249, (2000).

B. Cederström, R. N. Cahn, M. Danielsson, M. Lundqvist, and D. R. Nygren. “Refractive x-ray lens for scanned-slit digital mammography”. Proc. SPIE, 3659:407–416, (1999).